公司介绍:普联技术有限公司(以下简称"TP-LINK")是全球领先的网络通讯设备供应商。自1996年成立以来,TP-LINK始终致力于为大众提供最便利的本地局域网络互联和Internet接入手段,为大众在生活、工作、娱乐上日益增长的网络使用需求,提供高品质、高性能价格比的全面设备解决方案。TP-LINK产品涵盖以太网、无线局域网、宽带接入、电力线通信,在既有的传输、交换、路由等主要核心领域外,正大力扩展移动互联网终端、智能家居、网络安全等领域。公司总部位于中国深圳,同时在北京、上海、广州等20个中国中心城市设有销售和服务中心,并在33个国家和地区分别设立了海外直属子公司或代表处,产品已应用于全球128个国家,产品销售总数将超过8亿件。TP-LINK荷兰子公司于2013年开始正式运营,并且不断发展壮大,市场连续3年平均增长率超过30%,目前市场占有率全荷第一。TP-LINK坚持自主研发、自主制造、自主营销,整合全球优质资源,形成强大的合力,在牢固树立国内领先基础上,TP-LINK已经成为网络通讯设备领域全球领先品牌。我们渴求具有高素质正能量的人才加入我们的团队,与我们一起进步与发展,见证中国自主品牌一步步走向国际化的历程。现招聘职位如下: 商务运营助理 1名 (实习或全职) 职位描述:1.公司商务行政工作及部门内部日常事务工作; 2.负责供应商的管理以及日常沟通;3. 子公司库存管理;4.协助人事主管做好公司各部门之间的协调工作; 5.负责组织、安排公司召开的各种大型会议及大型活动6.完成领导交办其它的工作内容。 职位要求:1. 中英文读写流利,会一定荷兰语基础优先;2. 熟练使用office,精通Excel进行数据处理优先;3. 工作富有责任心,适合团队合作精神;4. 做事仔细,有条理。5. 为人稳重,善于沟通。有意者请将您的期望薪资,可以最早入职时间及英文或中文简历发送至:。并附近照一张。 邮件主题请命名为“应聘行政助理-中文姓名-英文姓名”。我们会尽快给您答复。如需了解更多公司相关信息,可登录荷兰TP-LINK官网: Foundedin 1996, TP-LINK has become one of the world's leading providers of SOHO &SMB networking products, offering both innovative and award winning solutionsto the market. Ranked No. 1 provider of WLAN products, TP-LINK supply to over120 countries, serving tens of millions of consumers worldwide.TP-LINKis a company that is fully committed to developing its products, services andconsumer relations through extensive R&D, strict Quality Assurancepractices, and effective outreach initiatives. Customer loyalty throughinteraction, focus and feedback are policies that help form the TP-LINKculture, as well as a commitment to achieve, and a dedication to innovate.In theirefforts, TP-LINK's global achievements in the industry have received bothrecognition and respect, proving their level of quality and commitment time andtime again. TP-LINK continues to develop award-winning products, offering acomplete range of networking solutions consisting of Routers, Adapters,Cameras, Switches, and many other Wired and Wireless devices for both Home andOffice use. JobDuties:1. Manageoffice purchase2. RMA flowmanagement3. Manage officecurrent inventories/ office asset management4. Assist incompany event holding5. Assist theHR manager in other work aspects and inquiries Requirements:1. HBO/WO student eligible to work as anintern, minimum 24 hours per week, 4-8 months.2. Good written and verbal communicationskills in English and Chinese, Dutch is a pré3. Familiar with office software, Excel is apré4. Attention to detail and accuracy5. Structured and well organized 6. Validwork residence permit Interested?Are youinterested in the above position and does the description suit your profile?Please sent your resume, photo, and expected salary to Email: