纵腾集团云途物流招聘IT专员,坐标阿姆斯特丹,公司发展迅速,上市潜力,欢迎投送简历至 siyi.chen@yunexpress.comIT专员base in Amsterdam,Netherlands
Responsibilities:- Assist new users to access the Internet,e-mail, voice mail, internal corporate network APP and IT related equipment;- Assist in solving notebook/desktopoperating system issues and other business-related application issues. Softwareand hardware installation and configuration on the desktop system—includingprinters, scanners, networks, virus protection, patch installation and errorrepair—to ensure that the desktop system is up to date;- Recovery, reinstallation and resetting offailed computers. Liaise with suppliers, submit fault reports and bookservices;- Respond to IT inquiries from thecorresponding department to ensure timely response to incoming calls and timelyresolution of problems;- Support IT infrastructure related plans,such as new office IT design, implementation, transfer, project management;- IT inventory management, includingdetailed computer information, all software licenses, servers and ITperipherals.
Qualifications:- More than 3 years of IT supportexperience, with excellent personal computer and/or client/server platformexperience;- Bachelor degree or above in computerscience related majors, preferably with IT-related qualifications;- Including but not limited to the richknowledge, skills and practical experience of Microsoft OS, Office 365, Windows2012/2016 server + Active Directory, Symantec Server, Mac OS, Cisco Network;- Proficient in user setting solutions andoptimization programs, software support, hardware and software installation,network connection, email accounts, security settings and other related tasks;- Reliable troubleshooting and the abilityto solve software and hardware problems, including solving root cause problemsin a timely manner;- Time management skills, includingprioritization and resolution of software and hardware issues;- Good interpersonal communication skillsand English communication skills;- Rich experience in asset management andchange management, ITIL basic certification is preferred.