English version







1.1 本协议是您与荷兰生活网之间关于用户使用荷兰生活网相关服务所订立的协议。“荷兰生活网”是指荷兰生活网的电脑版网站、移动版网站和移动应用程序。“用户”是指使用荷兰生活网相关服务的使用人,在本协议中更多地称为“您”。

1.2 本协议项下的服务是指荷兰生活网向用户提供的包括但不限于即时通讯、网络媒体、互联网增值、互动娱乐、电子商务和广告等产品及服务(以下简称“本服务”)。

1.3 本协议内容同时包括隐私政策,且您在使用荷兰生活网某一特定服务时,该服务可能会另有单独的协议、相关业务规则等(以下统称为“单独协议”)。上述内容一经正式发布,即为本协议不可分割的组成部分,您同样应当遵守。您对前述任何业务规则、单独协议的接受,即视为您对本协议全部的接受。


2.1 您在使用荷兰生活网的服务时可能需要注册一个帐号。

2.2 荷兰生活网特别提醒您应妥善保管您的帐号和密码。当您使用完毕后,应安全退出。因您保管不善可能导致遭受盗号或密码失窃,责任由您自行承担。


3.1 保护用户个人信息是荷兰生活网的一项基本原则。荷兰生活网将按照本协议及隐私政策的规定收集、使用、储存和分享您的个人信息。本协议对个人信息保护规定的内容与上述隐私政策有相冲突的,及本协议对个人信息保护相关内容未作明确规定的,均应以隐私政策的内容为准。

3.2 您在注册帐号或使用本服务的过程中,可能需要填写一些必要的信息。若国家法律法规有特殊规定的,您需要填写真实的身份信息。若您填写的信息不完整,则无法使用本服务或在使用过程中受到限制。

3.3 一般情况下,您可随时浏览、修改自己提交的信息,但出于安全性和身份识别(如帐号申诉服务)的考虑,您可能无法修改注册时提供的初始注册信息及其他验证信息。

3.4 荷兰生活网将运用各种安全技术和程序建立完善的管理制度来保护您的个人信息,以免遭受未经授权的访问、使用或披露。

3.5 荷兰生活网不会将您的个人信息转移或披露给任何非关联的第三方,除非:




3.6 荷兰生活网非常重视对未成年人个人信息的保护。若您是18周岁以下的未成年人,在使用荷兰生活网的服务前,应事先取得您家长或法定监护人(以下简称"监护人")的书面同意。


4.1 除非您与荷兰生活网另有约定,您同意本服务仅为您个人非商业性质的使用。

4.2 您应当通过荷兰生活网提供或认可的方式使用本服务。您依本协议条款所取得的权利不可转让。

4.3 您不得使用未经荷兰生活网授权的插件、外挂或第三方工具对本协议项下的服务进行干扰、破坏、修改或施加其他影响。




6.1 您应当理解,您使用荷兰生活网的服务需自行准备与相关服务有关的终端设备(如电脑、调制解调器等装置),并承担所需的费用(如电话费、上网费等费用)。

6.2 您理解并同意,您使用本服务时会耗用您的终端设备和带宽等资源。


7.1 您同意荷兰生活网可以在提供服务的过程中自行或由第三方广告商向您发送广告、推广或宣传信息(包括商业与非商业信息),其方式和范围可不经向您特别通知而变更。

7.2 荷兰生活网可能为您提供选择关闭广告信息的功能,但任何时候您都不得以本协议未明确约定或荷兰生活网未书面许可的方式屏蔽、过滤广告信息。

7.3 荷兰生活网依照法律的规定对广告商履行相关义务,您应当自行判断广告信息的真实性并为自己的判断行为负责,除法律明确规定外,您因依该广告信息进行的交易或前述广告商提供的内容而遭受的损失或损害,荷兰生活网不承担责任。

7.4 您同意,对荷兰生活网服务中出现的广告信息,您应审慎判断其真实性和可靠性,除法律明确规定外,您应对依该广告信息进行的交易负责。


8.1 荷兰生活网的部分服务是以收费方式提供的,如您使用收费服务,请遵守相关的协议。

8.2 荷兰生活网可能根据实际需要对收费服务的收费标准、方式进行修改和变更,荷兰生活网也可能会对部分免费服务开始收费。前述修改、变更或开始收费前,荷兰生活网将在相应服务页面进行通知或公告。如果您不同意上述修改、变更或付费内容,则应停止使用该服务。





10.1 您在使用本服务的过程中可能需要下载软件,对于这些软件,荷兰生活网给予您一项个人的、不可转让及非排他性的许可。您仅可为访问或使用本服务的目的而使用这些软件。

10.2 为了改善用户体验、保证服务的安全性及产品功能的一致性,荷兰生活网可能会对软件进行更新。您应该将相关软件更新到最新版本,否则荷兰生活网并不保证其能正常使用。

10.3 荷兰生活网可能为不同的终端设备开发不同的软件版本,您应当根据实际情况选择下载合适的版本进行安装。您可以直接从荷兰生活网的网站上获取软件,也可以从得到荷兰生活网授权的第三方获取。如果您从未经荷兰生活网授权的第三方获取软件或与软件名称相同的安装程序,荷兰生活网无法保证该软件能够正常使用,并对因此给您造成的损失不予负责。

10.4 除非荷兰生活网书面许可,您不得从事下列任一行为:








11.1 荷兰生活网在本服务中提供的内容(包括但不限于网页、文字、图片、音频、视频、图表等)的知识产权归荷兰生活网所有,用户在使用本服务中所产生的内容的知识产权归用户或相关权利人所有。

11.2 除另有特别声明外,荷兰生活网提供本服务时所依托软件的著作权、专利权及其他知识产权均归荷兰生活网所有。

11.3 荷兰生活网在本服务中所使用的“荷兰生活网”、“Yaband”等商业标识,其著作权或商标权归荷兰生活网所有。

11.4 上述及其他任何本服务包含的内容的知识产权均受到法律保护,未经荷兰生活网、用户或相关权利人书面许可,任何人不得以任何形式进行使用或创造相关衍生作品。


12.1 您在使用本服务时须遵守法律法规,不得利用本服务从事违法违规行为,包括但不限于:






12.2 如果您违反了本条约定,相关国家机关或机构可能会对您提起诉讼、罚款或采取其他制裁措施,并要求荷兰生活网给予协助。造成损害的,您应依法予以赔偿,荷兰生活网不承担任何责任。

12.3 如果荷兰生活网发现或收到他人举报您发布的信息违反本条约定,荷兰生活网有权进行独立判断并采取技术手段予以删除、屏蔽或断开链接。同时,荷兰生活网有权视用户的行为性质,采取包括但不限于暂停或终止服务,限制、冻结或终止使用,追究法律责任等措施。

12.4 您违反本条约定,导致任何第三方损害的,您应当独立承担责任;荷兰生活网因此遭受损失的,您也应当一并赔偿。


13.1 您在使用本服务过程中应当遵守当地相关的法律法规,并尊重当地的道德和风俗习惯。如果您的行为违反了当地法律法规或道德风俗,您应当为此独立承担责任。

13.2 您应避免因使用本服务而使荷兰生活网卷入政治和公共事件,否则荷兰生活网有权暂停或终止对您的服务。


14.1 您通过本服务发送或传播的内容(包括但不限于网页、文字、图片、音频、视频、图表等)均由您自行承担责任。

14.2 您发送或传播的内容应有合法来源,相关内容为您所有或您已获得权利人的授权。

14.3 您同意荷兰生活网可为履行本协议或提供本服务的目的而使用您发送或传播的内容。

14.4 如果荷兰生活网收到权利人通知,主张您发送或传播的内容侵犯其相关权利的,您同意荷兰生活网有权进行独立判断并采取删除、屏蔽或断开链接等措施。

14.5 您使用本服务时不得违反国家法律法规、侵害他人合法权益。您理解并同意,如您被他人投诉侵权或您投诉他人侵权,荷兰生活网有权将争议中相关方的主体、联系方式、投诉相关内容等必要信息提供给其他争议方或相关部门,以便及时解决投诉纠纷,保护他人合法权益。


15.1 您理解并同意,在使用本服务的过程中,可能会遇到不可抗力等风险因素,使本服务发生中断。不可抗力是指不能预见、不能克服并不能避免且对一方或双方造成重大影响的客观事件,包括但不限于自然灾害如洪水、地震、瘟疫流行和风暴等以及社会事件如战争、动乱、政府行为等。出现上述情况时,荷兰生活网将努力在第一时间与相关单位配合,及时进行修复,但是由此给您造成的损失荷兰生活网在法律允许的范围内免责。

15.2 在法律允许的范围内,荷兰生活网对以下情形导致的服务中断或受阻不承担责任:






15.3 您理解并同意,在使用本服务的过程中,可能会遇到网络信息或其他用户行为带来的风险,荷兰生活网不对任何信息的真实性、适用性、合法性承担责任,也不对因侵权行为给您造成的损害负责。这些风险包括但不限于:




15.4 您理解并同意,本服务并非为某些特定目的而设计,包括但不限于核设施、军事用途、医疗设施、交通通讯等重要领域。如果因为软件或服务的原因导致上述操作失败而带来的人员伤亡、财产损失和环境破坏等,荷兰生活网不承担法律责任。

15.5 荷兰生活网依据本协议约定获得处理违法违规内容的权利,该权利不构成荷兰生活网的义务或承诺,荷兰生活网不能保证及时发现违法行为或进行相应处理。

15.6 在任何情况下,您不应轻信借款、索要密码或其他涉及财产的网络信息。涉及财产操作的,请一定先核实对方身份,并请经常留意荷兰生活网有关防范诈骗犯罪的提示。


16.1 您使用荷兰生活网的服务即视为您已阅读本协议并接受本协议的约束。

16.2 荷兰生活网有权在必要时修改本协议条款。您可以在相关服务页面查阅最新版本的协议条款。

16.3 本协议条款变更后,如果您继续使用荷兰生活网提供的软件或服务,即视为您已接受修改后的协议。如果您不接受修改后的协议,应当停止使用荷兰生活网提供的软件或服务。


17.1 荷兰生活网可能会对服务内容进行变更,也可能会中断、中止或终止服务。

17.2 您理解并同意,荷兰生活网有权自主决定经营策略。在荷兰生活网发生合并、分立、收购、资产转让时,荷兰生活网可向第三方转让本服务下相关资产;荷兰生活网也可在单方通知您后,将本协议下部分或全部服务转交由第三方运营或履行。具体受让主体以荷兰生活网通知的为准。

17.3 如发生下列任何一种情形,荷兰生活网有权不经通知而中断或终止向您提供的服务:





17.4 荷兰生活网有权按本协议8.2条的约定进行收费。若您未按时足额付费,荷兰生活网有权中断、中止或终止提供服务。

17.5 您有责任自行备份存储在本服务中的数据。如果您的服务被终止,荷兰生活网可以从服务器上永久地删除您的数据,但法律法规另有规定的除外。服务终止后,荷兰生活网没有义务向您返还数据。


18.1 本协议的成立、生效、履行、解释及纠纷解决,适用荷兰相关法律。

18.2 本协议签订地为荷兰海牙。

18.3 若您和荷兰生活网之间发生任何纠纷或争议,首先应友好协商解决;协商不成的,您同意将纠纷或争议提交本协议签订地有管辖权的人民法院管辖。

18.4 本协议所有条款的标题仅为阅读方便,本身并无实际涵义,不能作为本协议涵义解释的依据。

18.5 本协议条款无论因何种原因部分无效或不可执行,其余条款仍有效,对双方具有约束力。


19.1 若用户未满18周岁,则为未成年人,应在监护人监护、指导下阅读本协议和使用本服务。

19.2 未成年人用户涉世未深,容易被网络虚象迷惑,且好奇心强,遇事缺乏随机应变的处理能力,很容易被别有用心的人利用而又缺乏自我保护能力。因此,未成年人用户在使用本服务时应注意以下事项,提高安全意识,加强自我保护:





19.3 监护人应对未成年人使用本服务时多做引导。特别是家长应关心子女的成长,注意与子女的沟通,指导子女上网应该注意的安全问题,防患于未然。





Dutchcn User Service Agreement

Thank you for using the service of Dutchcn!

If you are below 18 years old, please read the agreement with the accompany of a legal guardian and shall especially pay attention to the Art. 19 of this agreement regarding the terms for minors.

Please note that: according to GDPR, part of this agreement was adapted on 20th of May.

In order to use the services of Dutchcn, you are supposed to read and accept the Dutchcn User Service Agreement (abbreviated as “this agreement”). Please read each term carefully and have a thorough understanding of the content of each article, especially the terms regarding the exemption or limitation of liabilities, the terms regarding the applicable laws and territories, as well as the separate agreements for opening or using certain services. The terms regarding the exemption of liabilities may have been underlined or printed in bold characters to keep you notified. Unless you have read and accepted all the terms, you are not entitled to use the services provided by Dutchcn. The fact that you are using the services of Dutchcn is an indication that you have read and accepted the contents of this agreement.

1: The Applicability of This Agreement

1.1 This agreement is established between users and Dutchcn regarding the usage of relevant services provided by Dutchcn. Dutchcn refers to the PC website, mobile website and APP of Dutchcn platform. “Users” refer to the persons using the services of Dutchcn, more frequently mentioned as “you” in this agreement.

1.2 The services under this agreement include, but are not limited to such services and products as instant messaging, online media, internet added-value service, interactive entertainment, e-commerce and advertising. (abbreviated as “the services”)

1.3 This agreement also includes a privacy policy . When you use a certain service from Dutchcn, that service may have a separate agreement and business rules (referred as “separate agreements”). Once the above mentioned contents have been officially published, they automatically form as an inseparable part of this agreement, which you are also bound to observe. The acceptance of any earlier mentioned business rules or separate agreements is viewed as the acceptance of the entire agreement.

2: Account and Password Security

2.1 You may need to register an account when using Dutchcn services.

2.2 Dutchcn reminds you to protect your account and password with caution. After you’ve finished a login session, please quit in a secure manner. You are liable for any consequences resulting from the theft of your account and/or password due to your own negligence.

3: Protection of Users’ Personal Information

3.1 Protecting users’ personal information is a basic principle of Dutchcn. Dutchcn will collect, use, store and share your personal information according to this agreement and privacy policy. If the regulation in this agreement regarding personal information protection conflicts with the above mentioned privacy policy, or if any relevant regulation regarding personal information protection has not been stipulated in the agreement, the privacy policy prevails.

3.2 When you register the account or use the services, you may be required to fill in some information, including your real identification if such information is compulsory to be provided under the national law. If your provided information is not complete, you may not use the services or your access to the services may be restricted.

3.3 Under regular circumstances, you can view and modify the information you submitted. But from the point of security and identity recognition (for example account appeal service), you may be unable to modify the initial registration information which you previously provided and other verification information.

3.4 Dutchcn shall apply all kinds of security technology and programmes to set up comprehensive management environment in order to protect your personal information and prevent unauthorised visit, usage or disclosure.

3.5 Dutchcn will not transfer or disclose your personal information to any irrelevant third party, unless:

(1). definite authorisation from the users is obtained

(2). the relevant laws and regulations require it

(3). the governmental organisation requires it

3.6 Dutchcn attaches great importance to protecting the personal information of the minors. Anyone under 18 years old is obliged to be granted permission from his/her parents or legal guardians (abbreviated as “guardians”) prior to using the services of Dutchcn.

4: The Manners of Using the Services

4.1 Unless otherwise agreed with Dutchcn, you acknowledge that this service is only used for personal non-commercial purposes.

4.2 You ought to apply the manner that is provided or allowed by Dutchcn to make use of the services. The rights that you derive from this agreement cannot be transferred.

4.3 You are forbidden to use unauthorised plug-ins, extensions or third-party tools to disrupt, damage, modify or exert other influences on the services provided under this agreement.

5: Provision of Services under Current Conditions

You understand and agree that the services of Dutchcn is provided based on the currently available technologies and conditions. Dutchcn will do its utmost best to provide you services and ensure the coherence and security of the services. However, Dutchcn is not able to predict or be completely immune to the legal, technical and other risks, including but not limited to force majeure; attacks from viruses, Trojan, hackers; instability of the system; the glitch from third party services; governmental actions; as well as service disruption, data loss and all other damages and risks resulting from above occurrences.

6: Equipment at Your Own Cost

6.1 You shall understand that the preparation of terminal equipment (e.g. laptops, modem) and the necessary relevant costs (e.g. telephone fees, internet fees) to use Dutchcn services are solely at your own expense.

6.2 You shall understand and agree that using the services will exhaust your terminal equipment and broadband.

7: Advertisement

7.1 You agree that Dutchcn is authorised to send you advertisement, promotion or marketing campaign information (including commercial and non-commercial information) independently or via a third-party during the process of providing services. The approach and scope of sending such advertisement may change without having to inform you in advance.

7.2 Dutchcn may provide you the function to choose to stop receiving the ads. However, in no circumstances should you block, filter the ad information via any approach that is not stated in this agreement or unauthorised by Dutchcn in writing.

7.3 Dutchcn fulfils its obligation to the ad provider according to the laws and regulations. You are supposed to judge the authenticity of the ad and be liable for any consequences from your own judgement. Unless otherwise stipulated in law, Dutchcn is not liable for any incurred damages resulting from the contents of the advertisement and the transactions you conduct based on the previously mentioned advertisement.

7.4 You agree that you shall carefully judge the authenticity and reliability of the advertisement appeared in Dutchcn services. Unless otherwise stipulated in law, you are solely responsible for the transactions based on the ad.

8: Service Fees

8.1 Part of services of Dutchcn is subject to services fees. Please comply with relevant regulations if you use such services.

8.2 Dutchcn may change and modify the service fee policies based on market standard. Dutchcn may also start to charge the services which are previously free. However, before changing, modifying the service fee policies or starting to charge any fees, Dutchcn will publish notice or announcement on the relevant service page. If you disagree with above mentioned modification, you shall stop using such services.

9: Products or Services provided by Third Party

When you use products or services provided by the third party, you shall also comply with the user agreement of the third party, in addition to this agreement. Dutchcn and the third party, within the scope of the laws and regulations, are respectively liable for the disputes which may arise.

10: Services Based on APP

If Dutchcn is relying on “APP” to provide you services, you also need to comply with below terms:

10.1 You may need to download the APP when using this service. Dutchcn provides you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive right to use the APP. You can only use the APP for the purpose of visiting or using this service.

10.2 To improve user experience, ensure the security of the services and the coherence of the product functionality, Dutchcn may update the APP. You shall update the APP to the latest version, otherwise Dutchcn cannot guarantee the normal use of it.

10.3 Dutchcn may develop APP of different versions for different terminal devices. You shall download and install the proper version according to your own situation. You can directly download the APP from Dutchcn website or obtain it from the third party authorised by Dutchcn. If you obtain the APP or other programs with the same name as the APP from an unauthorised third party, Dutchcn cannot guarantee the normal use of it and is not liable for any incurred damages.

10.4 Unless approved by Dutchcn in writing, you are not allowed to conduct any of the below actions:

(1)delete the information about intellectual property of the APP or its duplicate.

(2)apply reverse engineering, disassembly operations to the APP, or endeavour to find the source code via any other approaches.

(3)use, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reproduce, edit, publish, establish mirror sites for the contents of which Dutchcn possesses intellectual property

(4)copy, modify, add, delete, mount or create any derivative products for the APP or the data that is released to any terminal storage during the APP operation process, and the interactive data between the client end and the server end during the APP operation process. The form of such action includes but is not limited to access the APP and relevant system via plug-ins, extensions or any third-party tools/services unauthorised by Dutchcn.

(5)add, delete, modify the functions or effects of the APP via alternating or forging the commands; or operate, publish the APP for above mentioned purposes, no matter whether such actions are for commercial purposes or not.

(6)log in or use the Dutchcn APP or services via the unauthorised third-party software, plug-ins, extensions, systems that are not developed by Dutchcn; or make, publish, circulate such unauthorised software, plug-ins, extensions and systems.

11: Intellectual Property Statement

11.1 Dutchcn possesses the intellectual property of the contents (include but not limited to website, words, images, audios, videos and charts) provided in the service. The intellectual property of the contents produced by the users belongs to the users themselves or relevant rightful person.

11.2 Unless otherwise stated, Dutchcn possesses the copyright, patent and other intellectual properties of the relied software when providing this service.

11.3 Dutchcn possesses the copyright or trademark right of the business logo “Dutchcn”, “Yaband” in this service.

11.4 All the above mentioned intellectual properties and other intellectual properties of contents contained in this service are protected by law. Nobody is allowed to use or create derivative products in any form without the authorisation in writing from Dutchcn, users or relevant rightful persons.

12: Illegal Actions of the Users

12.1 When using this service, you are obliged to abide by the law. You are forbidden to use this service for any illegal actions, including but not limited to:

(1) publish, transmit, circulate, store any contents that harm social stability, violate public order, that are insults, slanders, obscenity, violence, and that violate national laws and regulations.

(2)publish, transmit, circulate, store any contents that violate the intellectual property and business confidentiality.

(3)deliberately fabricate facts, conceal truth to mislead and cheat others.

(4)publish, transmit, circulate advertise information and spam.

(5)other illegal actions

12.2 If you break this term, the governmental organisations or institutions may file a law suit, impose fines or other sanctions, and will require Dutchcn to assist. Dutchcn is not liable for any indemnification of the damages caused by you.

12.3 If Dutchcn discovers or you are reported that the information you published is against this term, Dutchcn has the right to make independent judgement and apply technical approach to deleting, blocking or cutting the connection. At the same time, Dutchcn has the right to take actions including but not limited to pause, terminate, restrict or freeze the services and take necessary legal measures based on an evaluation of user’s actions.

12.4 If you break this term and cause harm to the third party, you shall be independently liable for the harm. Dutchcn shall also be compensated if Dutchcn is harmed at the same time.

13: Observe the Local Laws

13.1 You shall abide by the local laws and regulations and observe the local customs when using this service. In case your action breaks the local regulations or customs, you shall be solely liable for that.

13.2 You shall avoid making Dutchcn involved in political and public affairs when using this service. Otherwise Dutchcn has the right to pause or terminate the service to you.

14: The Contents Sent and Transmitted by Users and the Handling of Third Party Disputes

14.1 You are solely liable for all the contents that you send or transmit through this service (include but not limited to website, words, images, audios, videos, charts)

14.2 The contents that you send or transmit shall come from legal sources. The relevant contents shall be possessed by you or you are authorise by the rightful persons.

14.3 You agree that Dutchcn has the right to use the contents that you send or transmit for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement or providing this service.

14.4 If Dutchcn receives the notification from the rightful persons, claiming that the contents you send or transmit have violated his/her/their rights, you agree that Dutchcn has the right to judge independently and take measures to delete, block or disconnect such contents.

14.5 You shall not violate the laws and regulations and the legal rights of other persons when using this service. You understand and agree that if you are reported by others or you report others regarding any violation, Dutchcn has the right to provide the necessary information including the disputing parties, contact info, the contents of disputes to the other disputing party or relevant institutions, in order to solve the disputes in time and protect the rights of others.

15: Force Majeure and Waive of Obligations

15.1 You understand and agree that when using this service, you may face force majeure which disrupts this service. Force majeure is defined as an objective fact that cannot be predicted, overcome, unavoidable and can cause significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as flooding, earthquake, plagues and storms, as well as social events such as wars, turmoil, government actions. When above situations appear, Dutchcn will endeavour to cooperate with relevant institutions to restore the service. However, Dutchcn is waived from obligations towards any damages incurred.

15.2 Within the scope of the laws, Dutchcn is not liable for any disruption of the service caused by the below situations:

(1)damage caused by computer virus, Trojan, hackers or other malware.

(2)when the software, system, hardware and telecommunication connection of users or Dutchcn dysfunction.

(3)improper operation of the users

(4)users use this service through unauthorised approaches

(5)other situations that cannot be controlled or reasonably foreseen by Dutchcn.

15.3 You understand and agree that when using this service, you are likely to be exposed with risks from internet information or other users’ actions. Dutchcn is not liable for the authenticity, applicability and legality of any information, nor are we liable for any damages from the violations of rights. These risks include but are not limited to:

(1)information that is anonymous or with fake ID that contains threats, slanders, disgusting or illegal contents.

(2)misled or cheated by others, or affected by other factors that would cause or may cause any psychological, physical or economic damages when using this service.

(3)other risks from internet information or user behaviours.

15.4 You understand and agree that this service is not intended for any particular purposes, including but not limited to the scope of nuclear, military usage, transport etc. Dutchcn is not liable for any legal obligations from any casualties, property damages and environmental damages that result from failure of above mentioned operations due to the use of services.

15.5 Dutchcn has the right to deal with illegal contents. Such right derives from this agreement. However, such right does not form as the obligations or promises of Dutchcn. Dutchcn cannot guarantee the in-time discovery and handling of the illegal contents or actions.

15.6 In no circumstance should you trust any internet message involving loans, password, properties. When the message involves anything related to financials or properties, please make sure to verify the identity and pay attention to the notice from Dutchcn regarding fraud prevention.

16: The Effectiveness and Modification of this Agreement

16.1 You are viewed as having read and accepted the contents of this agreement if you are using the Dutchcn services.

16.2 Dutchcn reserves the right to modify the terms in this agreement when necessary. You can look up the latest version of this agreement in relevant service page.

16.3 If you continue using the APP or services provided by Dutchcn after this agreement has been modified, you are viewed as having accepted the modified agreement. If you do not accept the modified agreement, you shall stop using the APP or services provided by Dutchcn.

17: The Modification, Pause and Termination of Services

17.1 Dutchcn may modify, pause, or permanently terminate its services.

17.2 You understand and agree that Dutchcn is independent in deciding its operation strategies. When there is merge, separation, acquisition or capital transfers happening to Dutchcn, Dutchcn can transfer the capitals under this service to a third party. Dutchcn may also transfer part or all services under this agreement to a third party for operation after Dutchcn has unilaterally informed you. The exact transferee is subject to the notice from Dutchcn.

17.3 When any of the below situations have happened, Dutchcn may pause or terminate its services without notification:

(1)when according to the laws and regulations, you are supposed to provide authentic information, and the information you provide is false, or does not match the registration information, in addition that you fail to provide proper explanation.

(2)you violate the relevant laws and regulations, or terms in this agreement.

(3)when required by the laws or the legal bodies.

(4)due to security reasons or other necessary situations.

17.4 Dutchcn has the right to charge fees according to the Art. 8.2 in this agreement. If you fail to pay the fee on time, Dutchcn has the right to pause or terminate its services.

17.5 You shall backup and store the data in this service. If your service is terminated, Dutchcn can permanently delete your data from our server, unless otherwise required by law. After the service is terminated, Dutchcn is not obliged to return the data to you.

18: The Territory and its Applicable Law

18.1 The Dutch laws apply to the establishment, effectiveness, fulfilment, explanation and dispute solutions about this agreement.

18.2 This agreement is singed in The Hague, the Netherlands.

18.3 When you have any disputes with Dutchcn, friendly negotiation to reach a solution shall prevail. If the negotiation fails, you agree that the disputes shall be submitted to the local court governed by the administrative region where this agreement is signed.

18.4 The titles of the articles and terms in this agreement are only meant for convenient reading without actual meanings and cannot be used as a basis to interpret this agreement.

18.5 Even when certain articles or terms in this agreement become partly void or cannot be executed due to any reasons, the rest of this agreement shall still be valid and binding for each party.

19: User Agreement for Minors

19.1 If the user is below 18 years old, the user shall read the agreement and use this service under the supervision and guidance of the guardians.

19.2 The minors are inclined to being tempted and confused by information from the internet. They also lack the ability to deal with contingencies, thus very easy to get lured into fraud or other harmful behaviours. Therefore, minors shall pay attention to the below terms when using this service:

(1)identify the difference between virtual world and real world, avoid becoming addicted to internet which affects daily life.

(2)pay attention to self-protection when filling in personal information to avoid harassment from others.

(3)learn to use internet correctly under the guidance of guardians.

(4)avoid meeting with people known from internet without cautions.

19.3 Guardians shall provide full guidance to the minors who are using this service. Guardians shall pay attention to the communication with their kids and provide necessary safety instructions.

20: Others

If you have any suggestions or opinions regarding part of all of the agreement, you are advised to contact Dutchcn custom service via Email: info@dutchcn.com. We will provide you necessary assistance.

