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荷兰生活网 发表于 2020-7-27 15:16:40 浏览:  27958 回复:  0 [显示全部楼层] 复制链接
(转自 [color=var(--weui-LINK)][url=]欧洲留华同学会联盟ECRA[/url])

荷兰皇家工程师协会旗下国际工程师分会启动了与欧洲留华同学会联盟以及武汉大学荷比卢校友会的合作,旨在为在荷学习的中国学生学者提供职业发展与辅导。2020 年7 月19 日三方首次联袂举办了“职场大咖面对面”线上讲座。荷兰皇家工程师协会欢迎中国工程师加入到荷兰及在荷国际工程师的专业社群以实现更多分享知识、跨学科对话和产业趋势跟踪。荷兰皇家工程师协会国际分会会长艾哈迈德-阿卡迪博士、协会工程师首席教练弗兰克-迈耶先生、国际分会董事伊格纳休-瓦斯格斯先生代表荷兰皇家工程师协会与大家做了在荷职业发展分享,欧洲留华同学会副会长、武汉大学荷比卢校友会会长朱丹女士率两同学会运营团队成员完成了本次活动的组织与运营。讲座结束后中国驻荷兰大使馆教育参赞罗平会见了活动参加人员,并在座谈中强调了中国工程师树立并养成国际视野与思维的重要性。

荷兰皇家工程师协会成立于1847 年,是一个集荷兰工程师与在荷工作的国际工程师的专业团体,其宗旨为通过保证高品质的工程师教育实现对社会的改善并在全社会建立并维护工程师的职业形象。协会下属国际分会致力于打造一个荷兰工程师与国际工程师交流对话的平台,就技术专题与社会发展议题进行广泛的交流并实现相互启发。

欧洲留华同学会是一个源自1999 年在荷兰成立、汇集了诸多有着在华留学与工作经验的欧洲籍专业人士的非营利机构,办公所在地位于荷兰海牙席凡尼根海滩,旨在通过组织多种专业人士间的交流座谈,帮助在荷中资企业协会、全荷学联以及荷兰华人工程师协会等机构与成员更好地了解欧洲与荷兰。

武汉大学成立于1893 年,目前在全球拥有约50 万名校友。荷比卢校友会于2017 年在荷兰海牙成立,是武汉大学全球校友会的一个组成部分,目前有200 多名校友在荷兰、比利时、卢森堡三国求学或工作。

KIVI International Engineers Launched Cooperation with ECRA & WHUAB

The "Koninklijk Instituut Van Ingenieurs"(KIVI), also known as the Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers in English, via its chapter KIVI International Engineer's, started its cooperation with Europe China Returnee Alliance (ECRA) and WuhanUniversity Alumni Association Benelux (WHUAB) in career coaching and capability development for Chinese students studying in the Netherlands. The three parties launched their first event "Meeting Masterminds" webinar on July 19, 2020.  KIVI welcomes Chinese students and young professionals joining the engineer's community to meet Dutch and other international engineers working in the Netherlands for knowledge sharing, interdisciplinary dialogue and trend watching. Dr. Ahmed Elkadi,Chair of KIVIInternational Engineers, joined the event with Mr. Frank Meijer,Head Coach of KIVI Engineers coaching service and Mr. Ignacio Vasquez,member of the board of KIVI International Engineers. Ms. Dan Zhu, Vice Chair of ECRA and Chair of WHUAB together with a team of ECRA/WHUABOperation staff facilitated the event organization.  Mr. Luo Ping, Education Counsellor from the Chinese Embassy in the Netherlands met with the KIVI, ECRA and WHUAB team after the webinar and emphasized the shaping of global mindset of Chinese engineers and young professionals.

About KIVI
The Koninklijk Instituut Van Ingenieurs (KIVI) was founded in 1847. It is a professional community for Dutch engineers and international engineers living and/or working in the Netherlands. It aims at improving society by stimulating high quality of engineering education and maintaining a positive image and identity of engineers. It also serves as a think tank for government and industry. KIVI International Engineers focuses its mission on creating a platform for international engineers meeting Dutch engineers to discuss technical& societal topics, inspire and socialize with each other.

About ECRA
Europe China Returnee Alliance (ECRA) has a history dated back to 1999. It is an independent and non-profit organization for European nationals who have prior and on-going China study and work experience. Located at the seaside of Scheveningen, it hosts professional and social gatherings of the Dutch and other European China Returnees and advises the Chinese Business Association Netherlands (AICEN), Chinese Engineers & Scientists Association (VCWI) and Chinese Students & Scholars Association (ACSSNL) on better understanding the Netherlands and Europe.

The Wuhan University Alumni AssociationBenelux (WHUAB) is a part of the global alumni network of Wuhan University, a leading Chinese university founded in 1893 with around 500,000 alumni in China and worldwide. The Benelux Chapter was founded in 2017 in the Hague, currently has 200+ members studying and working in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg.


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