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职场专栏干货 | 理工背景同学如何冲进荷兰主流社会?附招聘信息


职场专栏干货 | 理工背景同学如何冲进荷兰主流社会?附招聘信息

荷兰生活网 发表于 2020-8-14 15:08:14 浏览:  26973 回复:  0 [显示全部楼层] 复制链接
尽管在荷兰有zoekjaar(Search Year), 方便同学们毕业后实习与找工作, 但许多同学因为缺少信息与人脉,总是觉得这是一个很难越过的坎儿。



经过以往四期的主题分享以及与同学们的问答互动, 我发现在荷兰学习的许多同学对主流社会的认知有限,而更多的同学对荷兰的经济了解甚少。当然,大家都有学习任务在身,另外许多人不懂荷语且也没有兴趣学习荷语。但是,留学生中70%的同学攻读硕士,且许多人希望取得在荷兰或欧洲的工作经验,这就意味着你需要在学习的同时要学会收集荷兰社会各类相关信息并开始对专业机构和人脉资源进行积累,为进入国际职场默默做好准备。我在过往的一期专栏中给大家分享了荷兰政府在国际上推广的九大优势产业,后来了解到许多来荷多年的同学对这九大产业几乎没有什么概念。其实荷兰是个相当开放并透明的社会,许多信息通过网络关键词搜索很容易查到,而许多荷兰新闻都有英语版本,通过这种习惯性的积累,使自己逐渐本地化,但关键词的掌握是一个本地化的过程。有个不太新的新词叫Glocal, 其实说的就是在海外工作的专业人士需要think global, act local.
我们许多留学荷兰的同学都是理工背景,14%的同学都集中在代尔夫特理工大学, 这所大学也是荷兰在全球排名第一的大学,盛产各行业的优质工程师。在荷兰因为有zoekjaar, 方便同学们毕业后实习与找工作, 但许多同学因为缺少信息与人脉,总是觉得这是一个很难越过的坎儿。从今天开始,我会定期给大家介绍一些荷兰主流社会重要的专业机构,他们会频繁的组织各类专业活动,在各类活动中人们会彼此熟悉并逐渐形成自己的社区,而这些机构大都是会员制,且欢迎新成员的加入。今天给大家介绍一个老牌的专业人士机构,即荷兰皇家工程师协会(KIVI ),它成立于1847年,是一个集荷兰多行业工程师与在荷工作的国际工程师的专业团体,其宗旨为通过保证高品质的工程师教育实现对社会的改善并在全社会建立并维护工程师的职业形象。

该协会目前有会员约20000名,下设50多个分会,每年举办400多场专业活动。而协会下属的国际分会致力于打造一个荷兰工程师与国际工程师交流对话的平台,就技术专题与社会发展议题进行广泛的交流并实现相互启发。最近ECRA欧洲留华同学会与KIVI一起共同举办了一次线上活动, 邀请了国际分会的主席Dr. Ahmed Elkadi、协会首席教练Frank Meijer、国际分会董事Ignacio Vasquez为同学们做了协会的介绍和职业发展的心得分享,以下为此次讲座与问答的核心内容,希望能为大家提供一些有用的信息。



1.  Aerospace Engineering航天工程
2.  Bedrijfskunde商务管理
3.  Bouw 建筑
4.  Bouw- en Waterbouwkunde建筑与水利工程
5.  Chartered Engineering 特许工程师
6.  Commercieel Ingenieur商务工程师
7.  Defensie en Veiligheid 国防与安全
8.  Duurzame Technologie 可持续技术
9.  Elektrotechniek电子技术
10.  Energie- en Warmtetechnologie能源与供暖技术
11.  Filosofie & Techniek 哲学与技术
12.  Geotechniek 地理技术
13.  Geschiedenis der Techniek 技术史
14.  Industrieel Ontwerpen 工业设计
15.  Informatica 信息学
16.  Kerntechniek 核技术
17.  KIVI International Engineers 国际工程师分会
18.  Landgebruik en Watermanagement 土地利用和水资源管理
19.  Maintenance 维修
20.  Maritieme Techniek 海洋技术
21.  Mechanica 机械
22.  Medische Technologie 医学技术
23. Meet-, Regel- en Besturingstechnologie 控制技术
24.  Mijnbouw矿业
25.  Nederlandse Procestechnologen荷兰工艺技术
26.  Netwerk Vrouwelijke Ingenieurs女工程师分会
27.  Offshore Techniek 离岸技术
28.  Olie- en Gastechnologie石油与天然气技术
29.  Railsystemen铁路系统
30.  RisicoBeheer en Techniek风险控制与技术
31. Techniek, Maatschappij & Economie技术、社会与经济
32.  Technische Fysica 技术物理
33.  Telecommunicatie 电子通讯
34.  Transportkunde en Logistiek 运输与物流
35. Tunneltechniek en Ondergrondse Werken 隧道与地下工程
36.  Verkeer en Vervoer 交通
37.  Voertuigtechniek 车辆技术
38.  Werktuigbouwkunde 机械工程


1.    Regio Alkmaar阿克玛分会
2.    Regio Gelderland 海尔德兰分会
3.    Regio Haarlem 哈勒姆分会
4.    Regio Limburg Zuid 南林堡分会
5.    Regio Noord 北部分会
6.    Regio Noord- en Midden-Limburg 林堡北部与中部分会
7.    Regio Noord-Holland 北荷兰分会
8.    Regio Oost 东荷兰分会
9.    Regio Utrecht 乌特勒支分会
10.  Regio Zeeland 泽兰分会
11.  Regio Zuid 南部分会
12.  Regio Zuid-Holland 南荷兰分会

1.    Young KIVI Engineers 青年工程师分会
2.    Young KIVI Students Twente 屯特青年学生分会

视频中的三位工程师两位是国际背景人士,一位是荷兰本土人士。Elkadi博士来自埃及,在代尔夫特大学完成硕博学习后,供职于荷兰三角洲研究院, 他同时也是KIVI每年举办的弗里索王子年度工程师评选委员会的评委之一。而来自墨西哥的Ignacio其实与大家的年龄相近且背景相似, 他现在供职于TMC公司,作为一名海外人士他每天要与诸多荷兰本地公司中的客户打交道,如何适应并融入是一个与项目内容交付同样重要的工作任务,而这其中一个人在行动上的积极主动非常重要。荷兰本土工程师Frank则有着多年美国公司以及海外的工作经验,他担任首席教练的分会有着100多名教练,他们都是志愿者,愿意为其他会员提供免费的职场咨询与生涯辅导。






Project Manager West China
Job description:
The project manager for West China is located in the NFIA West China office, which is part of the Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Chongqing. The project manager reports to the NFIA executive director for China, based at the Netherlands Consulate-General in Shanghai. The job is target-driven, with clearly defined input and output indicators (e.g. number of confirmed projects). The geographic working area covers the provinces of Chongqing, Sichuan, Hubei, and Shaanxi (main markets). Most investment projects are expected to come from the cities of Chongqing and Chengdu. As staff-member of the Consulate-General, the project manager will work closely together with the Consul General and the economic department of the CG Chongqing, and when required, will participate in general activities and tasks pertaining to the work of the Consulate-General.

Main assignments:
· Responsible for providing information in relation to the Dutch investment climate:
·  Answering queries from clients via telephone and email.
·  Compiling information together with NFIA The Hague and involved regions, for customers where applicable, while ensuring information is accurate and up to date.
· Contributing to marketing materials and our website.
· Monitoring contact persons and project management systems in Achilles.
· Visiting companies with investment plans for Europe:
· Ensuring that the Netherlands ends up, and remains on, the shortlist.
· Convincing companies to undertake an FFT to the Netherlands, to subsequently let NFIA The Hague and local governments provide further assistance.
· Providing the necessary follow up after meetings and FFT’s.
·   Helping companies brainstorm their plans for Europe (the Netherlands) so as to let their expansion proceed as efficiently as possible.
·  Investor Development:
Providing a supporting role for the Executive Director when visiting companies that have recently invested in the Netherlands, in order to inquire whether they are satisfied with their decision, and to find out if there are expansion plans.

Other assignments:
Sales & marketing:
· Develop and execute an investment promotion and acquisition policy/strategy for the cities with the most potential in the region.
·  Identify, contact, and visit Chinese companies considering investing in Europe.
·   Maintain relationships with existing investors in order to create new, expansion projects.
·   Keep track of major developments of Chinese companies in the region.
·  Keep track of major developments in the Dutch investment environment.
·   Build and maintain a network of advisors and local organizations.
· Attend external events in order to meet potential Chinese investors.
·   Assist Chinese companies in the process of establishing an operation in the Netherlands by providing information, answering questions, organizing fact-finding trips, arranging permits, etc.
·   Representation and communication:
·  Represent NFIA in West China in meetings with industry, government, partners, and incoming delegations.
· Work and communicate closely with (1) colleagues in the NFIA China team, both in China and the NFIA headquarters in The Hague; (2) colleagues from other departments in the China network (embassy, consulates, NBSOs); and with our partner investment development agencies of the cities and regions in the Netherlands.
· Maintain and keep up-to-date a database of company contacts and projects in NFIA’s project management system Achilles in order to share all relevant information with the parties concerned.
·   General activities of the Consulate-General:
·  In consultation with the NFIA China executive director, participate in and contribute to general (joint) events, activities, and tasks pertaining to the general work of the Consulate-General, such as incoming delegations.
· Participate in regular work meetings/staff meetings to ensure the overall coordination of activities at the CG.

Job requirements:
Level of Education: Completed university degree in Business      Economics or Business Administration, or Dutch HBO Level (University of      Applied Science).
Work Experience: 3-5 years of relevant work experience is preferred.
General knowledge regarding the Dutch economy.
Experienced in dealing with foreign companies.
Fluency in English and Chinese, both written and verbal.
Self-driven: be able to work independently in developing acquisition strategies.
Possesses excellent commercial, social and communicative qualities.
Competent in answering questions in both written and spoken form.
Strong sense of integrity, able to treat all project information with strict confidentiality.
Be a team player who understands that attracting investment is a      joint effort of both the NFIA team and other parties involved.
Working environment:
NFIA is part of the executive branch (RVO) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Through its 28 offices around the world, NFIA promotes and facilitates foreign investment in the Netherlands.
In China, NFIA is headquartered in the Netherlands Consulate-General in Shanghai and has offices in the embassy in Beijing and the Consulate-General in Guangzhou. NFIA China has a total of 10 staff and is headed by the executive director for China.
Conditions of employment:
The successful applicant has Dutch or Chinese nationality who reside in Chongqing or Chengdu.
An employee of Dutch nationality will receive a local contract through the Consulate-General in Chongqing, on which the LSR 2020 (Legal      Status Regulations 2020) is applicable. Persons of Dutch nationality are considered ‘buitenlands belastingplichtig’ by the tax authorities in the      Netherlands.
An employee of Chinese Nationality will be employed through the      Diplomatic Service Bureau of the Chinese Government, who will be the formal employer.
The position is ranked in job level 8. Based on a contract of 20      hours a week, the salary for this job is CNY 11,041 - 16,561 gross per month.
A fixed-term contract for 20 hours a week for the duration of one year will be offered, with a possibility to extend after 12 months.
If you would like more information regarding the content of this position please contact Mr. Roland Brouwer, NFIA executive director for China, via e-mail:
Selection procedure:
The selection procedure consists of an interview and a possibly a relevant (language) test of which the interested individual will be informed after the first round.


If interested, please send your resume and motivation letter in English to, before 21 August 2020. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.


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