为庆祝中国农历甲辰龙年春节的来临,由中华人民共和国文化和旅游部、中华人民共和国驻荷兰王国大使馆共同筹备,以及浙江婺剧艺术研究院、兰溪市李渔戏剧研究院、荷兰海牙中国文化中心、荷兰广东华商总会共同承办的“2024欢乐春节·戏剧庆春”活动将在Katwijk Tripodia剧院进行。
联系人/ Contact persoon
钟麟昌先生 / Mr Luciën Tjon
联系邮箱/ Email
剧院地址/ Theater address:
Katwijk Tripodia Theater ,
Hoornesplein 155, 2221 BE Katwijk
( 近Leiden/ dichtbij Leiden,自驾车前往可导航至以上地址 )
公共交通/ Public transport,
公交站名/ Haltenaam: Hoornesplein:
从Leiden CS出发 乘坐 bus 430
从Den Haag CS出发 乘坐 bus 385 或 bus 90
Wu Opera is also known as Jinhua Opera. It is the second major theatrical genre in Zhejiang, and has a history of more than 500 years. It got its name from Wuzhou, which was the former name of Jinhua in Chinese history. While it contains six vocal styles,it belongs mainly to luantan. This is a vernacular operatic genre with rural origins, characterised by the rich and colourful repertoire, diverse range of subject matters. The stories cater to popular taste, with an emphasis on everyday life but interesting twists and turns. The music is crisp and sonorous, verging on the high-flung. In terms of performing styles, the acting vividly imitates real life, with clear-cut delivery and a strong dose of emotive expressions. The same is reflected in the costume design, with its bright, strong colours and stark contrasts for eye-catching effect.In 2008, it was selected as the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage.
附:演出曲目表/ Program list
1. 民间艺术《九节龙》
Traditional Performance “9-Pieced Segmented Dragon”
2. 婺剧折子戏《梳妆》
Wu Opera “Dressing Up”
3. 婺剧《三岔口》
Wu Opera “Divergent Path”
4. 婺剧《吕布试马》
Wu Opera “Lv Bu Tries the Horses”
5. 婺剧《天女散花》
Wu Opera “The Goddess of Heaven Scatters Flowers”
6. 唢呐独奏《打枣》
Suona Solo “Picking Dates”
7. 婺剧《三打白骨精》
Wu Opera “Three Triumphs Over the Skeletal Demon”